Have you ever wondered why there are constant career opportunity advertisements running in various mediums online and offline for real estate sales? Or, why every real estate brokerage firm is always looking to hire a new real estate salesperson? Simply put, there is a very high failure rate for new career real estate agents. So much so, even the Winnipeg Realtors Association has a mandatory three day training program to help new real estate agents in their career because our own industry acknowledges the fact that most new Realtors do not get the training they were promised before they became licensed.
The sobering fact is eight out of ten people fail within their first two years when they become a new real estate agent. I know I am one of the lucky survivors when I made my decision to become a real estate agent twenty-five years ago. That being said, selling real estate is the greatest career in the world. Why then is there such a high failure rate? Often training and mentoring is promised, but not delivered once you become licensed. This is one of the reasons why Royal Lepage's reputation within the industry is recognized as an ethical real estate company along with the real estate agents associated in the Royal Lepage brand. At Royal Lepage we invest our systems and career knowledge when training our new real estate agents. Perhaps this is why we have the lowest failure rate for a new real estate career professional?
Royal Lepage is about to celebrate our one hundred year anniversary and our culture knows training a real estate professional is paramount to their success. Our history has taught our organization and our professional associates how important training really is to not only succeed, but to give you the greatest opportunity to achieve your personal goals when you decide to enter a new career in real estate.
If you are considering a career to sell real estate in Winnipeg, be wary of false promises on training and mentoring you in your new real estate career. Take your time and complete your due-diligence when interviewing the various real estate brokers. Don't be afraid to ask a broker to actually see their training program? What is the cost to have you trained? Is there a time commitment to the broker office in a contract for you to be trained? What are all the terms for you to be trained? How long is the actual training program? Who will train you? Remember, your career success will hinge on knowing the answers to these questions.
You owe it to yourself to insure you start your new real estate career with the greatest odds in your favor to be successful. We encourage you to call one of the Royal Lepage offices in Winnipeg; we will gladly share our systems with you and show you how you will achieve your real estate career goals. Our company motto is, "helping you is what we do", for a valid reason.
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